Facts: 31-40

31.  My personal belief system is kind of a combination of Druidry, Quakerism, and Buddhism.  In this last year, I’ve realized that all the beliefs and practices I took from each kind of tie themselves neatly together in Thelema.  I’m still not sure how I’d answer a question about how I spiritually identify, though.

32.  I used to sneak out my bedroom window in high school. My parents thought I was sneaking out to go make out with boys. Nope! I was sneaking out to go sleep in one of my tree houses.

33.  I had a dissociative disorder for my entire life which was effectively “cured” by hormone therapy for my transition (something I’ve written about before). It’s fantastic to finally feel centered in my own body, but I sometimes miss the literal difference in perspective I used to be capable of.  Being able to kind of step outside your body is useful, but having it constantly happen without your control is unnerving.

34.  Growing up, my entire family was vegetarian until I was 8.  After a hilarious incident at my school which will have to wait for another day for me to recount, my family added in seafood and anything we personally hunted, and then we just slowly backslid into being omnivores.

35.  Black pepper makes me sneeze uncontrollably.  Even when it’s cooked into food.

36.  I’ve visited every US state except Hawaii. I’m working on revisiting some of them though, as a good chunk of them I haven’t been to in 20 years.

37.  I grew up in the same house my dad grew up in, that my grandfather built. My bedroom was his sister’s, and it was originally Peptobismol pink when we moved in.  I refused to move into it until it was re-painted blue.

38.  I’ve been in and out of therapy (more in than out by far) since I was 6 years old. I’ve been diagnosed with a lot of things over the years, but the two that effect my life the most are my first diagnosis (bipolar) and my last (autism). Unfortunately they tend to kind of play into eachother in unhealthy ways.

39.  I got into Paganism and Magick when I was about 10 years old, and I was introduced to it by the mother of my best friend at the time. I hid it for a few years, then practiced openly for a few years, then hid it again for close to 15 years. I’ve always had an altar in my living space, though, if you know what to look for.

40.  Until I met Richard, every guy I’d ever dated had been a Taurus or an Aries (mostly Tauruses though). Two of them were even born in the same week! Richard is a Libra like me.  I tend to get along best with the fall signs, but spring signs tend to be my foils.

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